One of the joys but often challenges of our neighborhood is the abundance of wildlife. They can be fascinating to watch, however they can also wreck havoc on our yards.
The plants that animals eat will vary between seasons and is influenced by the density of their population, the availability of native forage and weather conditions. At the end of particularly dry or cold winters and during hot and dry summers, animals will eat just about anything.**
One way to avoid the frustration and heartache of having your newly planted landscape nibbled on or worse is to ensure that wildlife isn’t attracted to the plants you’ve chosen.

A landscaping company has published this extensive list of plants that many animals, particularly deer and elk, will avoid as well as ones that will attract birds, butterflies and other less destructive critters.*
Keeping larger wildlife like deer and especially elk out of your yard can make our neighborhood safer as well.
Many nurseries and garden shops have “elk and deer resistant” sections. A little planning and prevention can go a long way toward an affordable and beautiful yard that you can enjoy for years to come!
* NOTE: Some of the plants listed may or may not be available locally, plus some may not be desirable for other reasons. It’s highly recommended that you talk about it with a local garden shop or landscaper before planting.
* *With thanks to Evergreen Landscape & Design, Evergreen, CO.